The Owl: A Microfiction Thriller, Chapter 1

Introducing Mister C.

Teekay Rezeau-Merah, MSc
3 min readJun 23, 2024

He hates sitting with his back to the door. He learned this lesson the hard way.

A man of habit, he sits at the same booth every morning, gazing out the window.

Cafe in New York by Teekay RM
Photo by Patrick Tomasso

Maureen walks up to greet him with a smile, as she always does.

Morning, Mister C.

Morning, Maureen. How was your weekend?

Eh, you know, there’s no rest for the wicked.

I hear you.

Your croissant is on its way.

Thank you, dear. Can I get an orange juice, please?

Coming right up!”

Croissants and orange juice remind him of his childhood, of home.

He looks around, loves people-watching.

It’s his favorite activity after football and reading about philosophy.

He’s not a talker, nor is he a writer.

He’s a planner who likes to keep to himself.

Attention is bad for business.

Not that he could avoid it.

Walking around with an Afro, aviator glasses, and a trench coat will get you noticed anywhere.



Teekay Rezeau-Merah, MSc

Explorer, vanlifer and builder, I write about my journey as an essentialist, my wild adventures and provide environmental solutions 🧳