How to Solve Plastic Pollution with Minimalism

This article offers practical solutions to the Plastic Crisis, with data you never thought possible.

Teekay Rezeau-Merah, MBA, MSc
6 min readApr 22, 2023

As discussed in my last piece, becoming a minimalist is in no way easy, but it’s the most effective solution to many problems, most problems.

Environmental, social, financial, health, you name it. Minimalism can solve them all.

Take plastic for instance.

Did you know that after decluttering and organizing their living spaces— usually the initial step for many minimalists — eliminating single-use plastics is often the subsequent action on their priority list?

You see, I insist on this war being raged on single-use plastic first, then plastic as a whole, because whether we like it or not, plastic is here to stay.

Being pragmatic about it is important.

Indeed, what we’re dealing with here (mostly) is single-use plastic items such as plastic cutlery, plastic cups, plastic-wrapped fruits and veggies, plastic bottles (water, condiments, soap), plastic bags etc.



Teekay Rezeau-Merah, MBA, MSc
Teekay Rezeau-Merah, MBA, MSc

Written by Teekay Rezeau-Merah, MBA, MSc

Explorer, vanlifer and builder, I write about my journey as an essentialist, my wild adventures and provide environmental solutions 🧳

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